Easy French Food and Recipes

Carrot Recipes

Here are some great carrot recipes with a French touch. Please be sure to use the best carrots can find - young, tender and sweet - for all of these.

carrot salad recipe Carrot Salad Recipe

This French carrot salad recipe is so easy and delicious, you will find yourself making it over and over again. I especially like serving this with a bbq dinner.

moroccan carrot salad Moroccan Carrot Salad

Moroccan carrot salad is a spicy, yummy treat. This easy salad recipe uses carrots, cumin, garlic, and cilantro.

carrot soup recipe Carrot Soup Recipe

Ready for a warm and nourishing cream of carrot soup recipe? This French soup, called Potage Crecy, is sure to please.

glazed carrots recipe Glazed Carrots Recipe

You can cook this simple glazed carrots recipe in Vichy water for an authentic French taste, or just use your favorite carbonated water or even tap water.

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