Make this sure fire whipped cream recipe from heavy cream and powdered sugar and say goodbye to the can forever. One great part of making your own is that you can flavor it as you wish - try rum flavored or chocolate whip cream for something different.
Have you ever looked at the ingredients on a can of so-called whipped cream? Hard to find any cream there and do you really want all of that garbage in your body? Not to mention that the taste leaves much to be desired.
Here in France I can actually buy real sweetened whipped cream (special Isigny cream even) in a can. I bought a super sized model the other day because it will store at least a month in the refrigerator. Unfortunately the kids got a hold of it and let out all of the gas, so I ended up with an expensive can of cream that I had to throw out! So it's back to the mixer for me!
Makes 2 cups
Chocolate: Press 2 tablespoons powdered sugar with 1 tablespoon cocoa through a sieve and into 1 cup of heavy cream.
Coffee: For each cup of whipping cream, add 2 teaspoons instant coffee and 2 tablespoons powdered sugar.
Alcohol flavors (bourbon or rum): For each cup of whipping cream, add 1 tablespoon liquor and 2 tablespoons powdered sugar.
Now that you have the cream whipped, why not try it on some chocolate mousse. What a great combination!
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