
Rôti de porc à la mijoteuse

Begin by making vertical slits with a pointy knife in the roast. Insert a piece of garlic in each of the holes.

Melt the butter with the olive oil in a heavy skillet on medium high heat. Sprinkle the roast with salt and pepper then brown it on all sides in the hot butter.

When it's browned all over, remove from the heat and slather the mustard on all sides of the roast.

Place about 1/2 of the cut potatoes and carrots in the bottom of the crockpot, then put the roast on top of this.

Return the skillet to the heat and add the onions. Brown the onions for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Place the browned onions on top of the roast and add the rest of the carrots and potatoes as well.

Return the skillet to the heat one last time and add about 1/2 cup of the beef bouillon. Use a wooden spatula to scrape the bits off the bottom of the pan and into the bouillon. When most of the bits are unstuck, pour this along with the rest of the bouillon on top of the roast.

Cook the pork roast for 6 hours on low heat. If you are home, you can give things a stir every once in a while.

To serve, remove the roast form the crock pot and cut iit n thick slices. Serve in a deep plate with the potatoes and carrots and topped with a ladle of the sauce. Don't forget the French bread!

Makes 6 servings.

Easy French Food http://easy-french-food.com